Sarah Sennett and Jason Barnard

Sarah Sennett has 13 years of digital marketing experience in B2B, B2C and e-commerce. In this video interview with Jason Barnard, she talks about the changes in customers’ digital habits with COVID… and how they will stay with us.

COVID has undoubtedly thrown digital strategists one of the biggest curveballs of their careers. Once known and predictable audience behaviors are no longer either of those things and digital habits are changing as quickly as local lockdown rules come and go. This means we have to be more inventive than ever before, so in this talk, Iโ€™ll be sharing some of the insights Iโ€™ve discovered, tactics Iโ€™ve trialed over the last 12 months, and what I think the challenges that are around the corner might be.

Scheduled for 25 May 2021 at 17 H CEST (Paris)

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Organised by Kalicube in partnership with Wordlift.

Part of the Kalicube Tuesdays series.

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